Roland's Picture Blog 2015

Holiday Season

Family happenings, Christmas tree and New Years eve party.

Star Lights Lights Glitter Fondue Candles Amaryllis Crystal


No real winter during the Advent time this year. We had some (morning) fog and hoar frost though. Of cause ther also were the christmas markets.

Web Fog Cat Wreath

Winter begins

The first snow gave the message the winter is ahead.

Pattern Berries Rose Wreath


Instead of cold Taunus enjoying the beaches in Herzliya. Well not really as this was a business trip.

Sunset Surfer Sunset Beach


Autumn has colorful leaves, fog, storm and spider webs.

Leaf Fluffy Rose Leaf Web Fores Web Fog

Day of German Unity

Day of German Unity - 25 Years of Germany - Central festival in Frankfurt

Bar Bridges Mortale Fireworks

End of summer

Even the longest summer ends and slowly autumn starts.

Fallen Flower Spiraea Wilde Karden


Art in Bad Homburg.

Container Hoop-La Pavillon the Thé Dahlia


Summer not only have sun shine and heat but also some rain to cool down.

Sekt Spider Drops Droplets


Volksfest in Frankfurt at the Main river featuring dragon boat races, market and of cause museums.

Racing Rows People Fireworks


Volksfest in Bad Homburg with fun fair, nightly pageant, fireworks and of cause many lanterns.

White tower and Frankfurt Flying Pageant Princess


Summer vacation in Dresden.

Summer Sunset Fashion Piano Zwinger Chandelier Elbflorenz Bastei

Summer life

Barbeque and flowers.

Barbeque Rose Cumin Skeleton

Opel Zoo

A guided evening tour through the Opel Zoo.

Reedbuck Together Owl Bat-eared fox


This year Mainfest in Frankfurt came traditional with Fisherstechen (Water jousting) and fireworks.

Fischerstechen Carousel ECB Fireworks


Summer time is flower time.

Bug Spiraea Teasels Dahlia


Hausen is 750 years old.

Car Tractor Beer Rock'n'Roll

Hot summer night in Frankfurt

Hot summer in July with record breaking temperatures around 40 degrees Celcius. This is the right time to enjoy strolling around the Main river boardwalk in Frankfurt and enjoy the blue sky, the city some cooling from the river.

Daylily Boardwalk Bridge Blue Crane Frankfurt Butterfly Daylily

Wilhelma Stuttgart

Summer is the time to enjoy flowers and animals in a zoo. The Wilhelma in Stuttgart is both, a botanical garden and a zoo. So we had a nice day with flowers and animals.

Echeveria Ferocactus Flower Blooming lake Peafowl Alpaca Butterfly Flying fox


It is June and summer is here!

Potato Cat Schwebefliege Schwebefliege


Rosen- und Lichterfest im Palmengarten.

Hot Sax Club Rose Rose Rose Allium Flamingoflower Damselfly Fuchsia

Early Summer

The days get longer and the summer starts. Although hot days are still missing the temperature went up and there were some days to enjoy sun outdoors.

Tulip Heart B�rlauch Libelle Lupinen Nilgansfamilie Kamillen Akelei

A sunny day at Frankfurt Zoo

Today was Mother's day and we made a trip to Frankfurt to visit the Zoo.

Iris Baboon Shrimp Rose

Spring is here

Spring as always has a lot of nice blooming flowers. This year a large construction site opened to construct the continuation of the Heisterbach road.

Orchid Corallina Traubenhyazinthen L�wenzahn Tulpen Grevillea Seerose Regen

Spring is coming

The days become longer and we had a official spring start with a solar eclipse. We looked up some orchids and exotic plants in the Palmengarten. In the Palmengarten we had a near encounter of a red squirrel.

Schneegl�ckchen Krokusse Christrose Tulip Fliederprimel Orchidee Venusschuh Schirm Squirrel Squirrel Croci Cat


Although most of February was still cold some first glimpses of spring give hope.

Tulip View Icicles Daffodil


January and February are seeing real winter here.

Snow Candle Winterlichter Frost Bud Tulip Grass Table runner

Pictures 2014 and older

Pictures taken during 2013 or older

Cat Web Ju52 Chestnut Fliegenpilz Peafowl Aeonium Dragonfly Glow Palau de Musica Toronto Afterglow Spider Rose Lily Clownfish Python Tulip Bleeding Hearts Bike

More data from us (Roland and Leonore Zink) and our family can be found on our homepage.

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