Title: Osaka Castle behind Osaka-jo hall from the New Otani at night | Camera: Canon DIGITAL IXUS 850 IS | Date: 20.10.08 10:55 | Resolution: 3072 x 2304 | Exp. Mode: Manual exposure | Exp. bias: -1 EV | Exp. Time: 0.4s | Aperture: 2.8 | Focal Length: 4,6mm | White Balance: Auto white balance | Flash: No | Latitude: N 34°41,479' | Longitude: E 135°31,981' | Headline: Osaka Castle behind Osaka-jo hall from the New Otani at night | Object Name: Osaka Castle behind Osaka-jo hall from the New Otani at night | City: Osaka | State/Province: Osaka | Country: Japan | Copyright: Copyright ©2008 by Roland Zink. All rights reserved | Caption: Osaka Castle behind Osaka-jo hall from the New Otani at night | See map |